Zur Abgabe kommt ein aus den 70er stammender Höfner Gitarrenkoffer, wie man Ihn auch im damaligen Höfner Katalog findet. Die Koffer wurden unter anderem auch bei Hoyer verwendet .
Optisch ist der Koffer gebraucht. Alle Schnallen schließen zuverlässig. Gebrauchsspuren entsprechend dem Alter vorhanden
- Länge: ca 104 cm
- Höhe: ca 42 cm
- Breite: ca 10 cm
- Gewicht: 2,82 kg
For sale is a Höfner guitar case from the 70s, as can be found in the Höfner catalog of the time. The cases were also used by Hoyer, among others.
The case looks used. All buckles close reliably. Signs of wear consistent with age
- Length: ca 104 cm
- Height: ca 42 cm
- Width: ca 10 cm
- Weight: 2,82 kg
Please look closely at the pictures and ask as many questions as possible if something is unclear. Prefer a few more questions than to have the surprise afterwards. The shipment is securely packed. You are welcome to take a look at my website for insights, I will show you how I pack and ship by using pictures. There are also other high-resolution pictures here.