Totale Klassiker Made in West Germany in der 4er Inline Ausführung. Überzeugen durch Ihre hervorragende präzise Drehmechanik, wirklich Sie drehen sehr smooth …. und halten dabei auch noch die Stimmung!
Der Zustand der Tuner ist dem Alter entsprechend sehr gut. Alle Tuner drehen sauber. Mit dabei sind auch die passenden Unterlagscheiben, welche oft bei solchen Sets fehlen, Schrauben und Hülsen
- Gewicht: 0,272 kg
Total classics Made in West Germany in the 4 INLINE version. Convince with their excellent precise turning mechanism, they really turn very smoothly…. and keep the tune!
Borehole diameter 9.5 cm and axle diameter 6.0 cm
The condition of the tuners is very good considering their age. All tuners turn cleanly. Also included are the matching washers, which are often missing in such sets, and sleeves
- Weight: 0,272 kg
Please look closely at the pictures and ask as many questions as possible if something is unclear. Prefer a few more questions than to have the surprise afterwards. The shipment is securely packed. You are welcome to take a look at my website for insights, I will show you how I pack and ship by using pictures. There are also other high-resolution pictures here.